
So I came across this blog post by accident. A few of my friends had posted this on Facebook and with a title like that, I couldn't resist the read.

It's very interesting. Please read. Whether you're a Mother or a Father, there's something you can take from it. If you are not yet a parent, still read and remember it. 

For now, to my son, I am both mum and dad. Let's hope I get it right...

You just broke your child. Congratulations.

In other news, my darling son just had a haircut. May I say, I loved his hair before the chop, but it was getting far too easy to put into a ponytail ha! 

Sneaky iPhone action
My favourite, cheeky boys smile! 

He still hasn't stood still or posed long enough for me to take an 'after' shot. This kid does not sit still for long. We took two Lightning McQueen cars to try and keep him distracted...lasted maybe 2 minutes. But that's ok, I wouldn't have him any other way :)

Miss Crosby x 


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