Blue Steel

So it's been a little while since i've sincerest apologies!

Christmas period is crazy. I think I forget how busy this time of year gets, all the preparations, gift buying, wrapping, Christmas parties and of course baking! This year I haven't done so much baking because I just haven't had the time, but I can't wait to hand out my home made goodies i've been making. 

Anyway, recently i've been getting into the world of modelling. This is such a foreign concept for me, it has never been something i've really thought about or paid any attention to. I was just approached once to model for a make up artist and it's just gone from there.

To be honest, I know i'll never make it anywhere big with it because i'm just not skinny enough or even tall enough. And i'm very much ok with that. Some of the girls i've seen are ridiculously tiny! They scare me!!!

So I did a photo shoot this past Monday with some awesome people and it was incredibly fun. There was a Mad Hatter theme so lots of scrumptious cupcakes and biscuits around, not too fun when I wasn't allowed to eat anything until after. I've worked with this photographer before and I must say he's my favourite. He's just so relaxed and fun to work with. And it's also hard to find a male photographer in the industry who isn' can I put it.....gross? If you want to check out his stuff you can look him up here

Like I said he's really fun and relaxed to work with so we also end up taking some very silly shots like these

You can see the incredible Danielle O'Sullivan's Make Up artistry in this one up here. Click here to check out her work.
And here is the amazing Chantal Humberstone's work.

Like I said, super fun shooting! Little bit scary almost having a tick attach itself to me though. Can't wait for the end results for both of these shoots.

Stay tuned, more photos to come :)

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.
The little one went and saw Santa last week, bless him he wasn't even afraid, that's my boy. And instead of telling Santa what he wanted for Christmas, he said 'Santa I've got boat shoes!'  and pointed to his shoes....he's definitely my son!

Miss Crosby x


Josh Seb at: 22 December 2011 at 19:26 said...


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